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             Free retest within 10 working days 

When to book


You can normally present your vehicle for MOT up to 30 days before your current expiry date. This is shown on your certificate. If it passes on the day you will effectively have a 13 month MOT as any remaining days left on your current MOT will be added automatically by our system.  

Also if your vehicle requires some work this will ensure that you will still have a small window in which you can carry out any repairs. 

Once you have booked your MOT with us you can pop in at the time slot you have chosen and wait in our reception room or if more convenient drop it off anytime before your time slot and pick it up at a later time. 

Failing the M.O.T

Your vehicle will fail if the test result lists ‘dangerous’ or ‘major’ problems with your vehicle. You might not be allowed to drive until you fix the problems.

You might also get a list of ‘minor’ or ‘advisory’ problems to monitor or fix in the future.

If your vehicle fails the MOT:


Driving a vehicle that’s failed


You can take your vehicle away if:

  •    Your current MOT certificate is still valid
  •    No ‘dangerous’ problems were listed in the MOT

Otherwise, You will need to get it repaired before you can drive.


If you can take your vehicle away, it must still meet the minimum standards of roadworthiness at all times.


You can be fined up to £2,500, be banned from driving and get 3 penalty points for driving a vehicle that has failed its MOT because of a ‘dangerous’ problem.


Taking your car away for repairs

You can take your vehicle away if your M.O.T certificate is still valid.


If your M.O.T has run out you can take your vehicle to:

  •     Have the failed defects fixed
  •     A pre-arranged M.O.T test appointment


In both cases, your vehicle still needs to meet the minimum standards of roadworthiness at all times or you can be fined.


If your M.O.T has expired


You cannot drive your vehicle on the road if the M.O.T has expired. You could be prosecuted if caught. 

The only exception is if you have already booked an M.O.T and are driving your vehicle to the test centre.
If your M.O.T has expired then please contact us as soon as possible and we will endeavor to get you in the next available slot.
To prevent this happening in the future please provide us with a contact number when booking and we will ring you the following year around a week before your M.O.T expires.

What to bring


You only need to bring your V5 (commonly known as your registration document) with you, ONLY if is the first time your vehicle has been tested, this may be required for the expiry date of your M.O.T.

A means of payment credit/debit card or cash.

No other documentation is required as we test the car/van not the paperwork provided by the customer.
And please don't forget your car!

Lost M.O.T's


If you have lost or misplaced your current M.O.T give us a ring and we can advise you of your best course of action, Whether it be issuing you with a replacement, or advising you as to when your current M.O.T expires, even if you have had it done elsewhere previously. 

We will do our best to help you in any situation.