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Full Air Conditioning Service 

What work is carried out

We will first check your system to see how much refrigerant it contains, if it appears to be very low or empty we remove any gas left in the system and then pressurise with nitrogen to check for any leaks, if system holds pressure only then do we conduct an air conditioning service.
 This involves removing any residue in the system by vacuum for at least 30 minutes, this also boils off any water in the system that there is, then the system has to hold the vacuum for another 30 minutes this is the second leak test carried out on the system. 

After this the system is clean and moisture free ready to accept its correct weight of refrigerant, lubrication oil for the compressor and dye. When this cycle has finished we will conduct some final checks on your system to ensure it is getting down to the correct temperature

Avoid a cheap "top up" service

So next time your air conditioning requires attention and you get offered a cheap "top up" via a compressed can of gas please remember that your system is delicate and could be damaged in this way, which may prove costly!

Air Conditioning in winter

Even during winter you are advised to use your air conditioning to clear your screen and keep your car warmer by creating warm dry air.